
Pune District Education Association's
College of Architecture , Akurdi ,Pune.
Afiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (PU/PN/ARCH/476/2016) | Aprroved by DTE, Mumbai (ARCH -6897)


Vision & Mission


To provide holistic architectural environment for development of students with Creativity, Knowledge, Skills, Values, Entrepreneurial Architects and also make their effective contribution to the society with their innovative design to tackle the issues of Global and Environment development.


• To provide quality and value based education to develop skill of students so they become technically sound Entrepreneurial.
•To make students aware of latest Architectural Innovations, Building Materials, Construction Technologies and Architectural Software which will encourage them to create innovative designs.
•To provide them knowledge of current issues (global warming, water crisis disaster, natural calamities etc.) and practices done to tackle that issues by conducting guest lectures, seminars and expert guidance.
• Offering students, the cross departmental approach in fields of Construction, Landscape, Interior Design, Product Design and Technologies.
• Encourage students for different National and International Competitions with collaboration of Professional Organization, partnerships for gaining knowledge and exchanges of ideas.
• To integrate moral values and importance of community service through discipline to develop better tomorrow.

National Education Policy (NEP) Implementation

As institute is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), so we are following their guidelines in implementation of NEP. As and when we will receive guidelines from SPPU we will do NEP implementation. We are preparing from our side through attending NEP workshop for better understanding of NEP 2020 and its implementation policies.

"Bahujan Hitay, Bahujan Sukhay"